The room had been ransacked. Every piece of furniture was upturned or broken. Picture frames were on the floor, the glass covers cracked like spider-webs. Window panes were broken, curtains ripped apart. It looked like someone had vented their anger and frustration on the contents of the room. Only one glass coffee table sat amid all the devastation, untouched and unharmed. And on the table was one solitary red rose. Her eyes fell on it and immediately she knew. She froze, then fell to her knees, as if she had lost all the strength and resolve she had mustered inside her over the last few months, the most difficult months of her young life so far. She knew she had lost her fight with destiny. Fate had defeated her. And the red rose was all the proof she needed. Tears came down her eyes, first in drops, then in torrents. She wept till she could not cry any more. She lay down on the floor, exhausted, and implored God to give her death. Life would never be the same again.