Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Life is an unnecessary waste of time!

I have never attended a company meeting where things were not awesome, people were not highly excited, the future was not bright and the achievements of the recent past were not awesome. Never has anybody said in a company meeting that we suck, we did not achieve anything, the future looks bleak, and we are close to getting sold or filing bankruptcy. Weird. If every company was doing so great, the economy should be going through the roof, which is clearly not the case with unemployment at record highs.

Recently I have been thinking about what advice I can give to my son as he grows up, and I have come to two conclusions - 1. Life is an unnecessary waste of time, and 2. There is nothing to look forward to.

Think about this - if I ask any one of you this question - 'What have you achieved in life so far?'
You might say, 'I aced the SATs'. Yeah, but so did a million other people. Or, 'I met this hot girl at the gym and fell in love'. Yes, but she is still with you, and in all likelihood is not so hot anymore. Or, 'I have the most gorgeous baby.' Yes, and wait till he grows up and sucks life and money out of you, not necessarily in that order. All your achievements, which you have been thinking are awesome, are actually mundane and pedestrian, and have been achieved over and over again by a million other people.

In my life of 35 odd years, I have achieved 3 mentionable things maybe, and that's a big MAYBE. Seems like an awfully long time to achieve 3 things. These things could have been easily achieved in like 3 months. At this rate, by the time I am ready to 'close shop', I will have wasted 70 years to achieve what could have been achieved in 6 months. What an enormous waste of time!!!

Life is humdrum, you do the routine things every day, wake up, eat, sleep, wake up, over and over again. Why is everything awesome? What is there to be excited about? I think realistically, we have nothing to look forward to. Tomorrow will be the same as today, which is the same as yesterday anyways.

So this year, let's make two resolutions. Let's be unhappy and brood away to our heart's content, and let's not be excited about anything. And let's not feel guilty about missing deadlines or being lazy. In fact let's make it a point to do no work and be lazy, because life is a waste of time anyways.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

With your permission, I would like to share this with my friends. It's brilliant.